
urban dictionary is always right

today i typed the word "asshole" into the urban dictionary-search. don't ask me why, probably because i was an unproductive shithead bored at work.

the result of this inquiry is so short and simple in shape, yet it wields the truth like a relentless executioner wields his axe. so now, without any further ado, i'll present to you the #1, uppermost result of the search for the word "asshole":

Your current boss.

ladies and gentlemen, this is the most true answer to any inquiry i've ever heard, more true than 299,792.458 km/s for the question 'what is the speed of light in vacuum?'

now, inb4 "that retard nice gentleman is going to bitch about his stupid boss and how much he hates his job!" - yes, i'm going to do exactly that. but that guy had it coming. seriously, someone who names his kids Adolf and Eva should really be considered a menace to society, or at least to his kids. and of course to his poor, innocent, good looking employees.

but rejoice! i have a feeling that some time in the near future, i someone is going to put an end to the misery he calls his life tell him to crawl back into the bottomless pit of morons he came from (depending on the situation, maybe with exactly these words).

with this in mind

greetings from the waterpistol

P.S.: yeah i know, that's a damn short post. but i',m tired, and writing this without any typos was a murderous challenge due to various alcoholic beverages circulating through my body

P.P.S.: you guys might wanna check out Untimely Meditations, a blog from a friend of mine, the same guy who painted the background picture for my blog. might also wanna check out his deviantART. if you don't do you're going to get raped and choked to death miss out on a great blog and really awesome art

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