time to look at some
albums listened to in the past 12 months, according to last.fm:
15 Enduser – calling the vultures 176
14 Isis – Oceanic 182
13 Nine Inch Nails – The Fragile - Left 189
12 Enduser – 1/3 190
11 Mouth of the Architect – Quietly 194
quite heavy on the electronic side, with two enduser releases. well, the guy is a fucking genius. nothing, though, compared to the next guy
10 Venetian Snares – Rossz Csillag Alatt Szueletett 197
this album is insanely brilliant, the best release i've heard so far concnerning electronic music. that said, i haven't even scratched on the surface of the snare's works, having just two albums (this one and 'filth') in full, and i don't even want to start thinking about the dozens of aliases he has released music with. enough stuff to fill an entire year worth of listening time, i suppose. probably even more.
09 Tides From Nebula – Earthshine 217
a really neat album and an above average follow-up to their debut 'aura'. however, the post-rock thing starts to wear thin, as no particular tracks are standing out tha i could think of now...
08 Marilyn Manson – Holy Wood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death) 220
the only manson album i have (besides eat me, drink me which was a birthday present, but i haven't listened to it once in the 3 or 4 years i have it now. don't know why), however it's a good one. the tracks really get into your ear, and the lyrics are just...well...manson, ya know
07 Nine Inch Nails – Ghosts I-IV 224
the ever present trent reznor. no top-10 list in any regard to my music without him appearing at least once. which is a good thing. because he makes good music. awesome music. ghosts in particular kinda stand out compared to the rest of his NIN-work. in a very positive way. very refreshing to listen to it, every time. just the straight numbers as naming for the tracks sometimes annoy me a wee bit
06 Neurosis – A Sun That Never Sets 240
ah yes, neurosis. the giants of >whatever< hard and slow genre you can think of. with their prime album, in my opinion. so many memorable tracks. an album that is definetly going to accompany me for the rest of my life
05 Isis – In the Absence of Truth 263
and yet another giant, with a rather controversial album this time. i know that many fans (and the band themselves) don't hold the album in such high regard than the others, because of whatever reason. i don't care. i like it a lot, and although i do indeed like the other isis-albums a bit more, this isn't because in the absence of truth is bad, the others are just a little bit better
04 *shels – Plains of the Purple Buffalo 273
*shels is somewhat of a mystery to me. i don't really know the band that well, for some reason i didn't bother to get involved with band history or the members. nevertheless, i really enjoy the plains a great deal, especially on long car rides
03 God Is An Astronaut – God Is An Astronaut 281
not much to say about that. it kinda feels the same like tides from nebula's earthshine...it's like everything i hear on this record, i've heard it before, in some other way on some other GIAA-album
02 Tides From Nebula – Aura 467
that is one difficult album. there are times where i'm instantly annoyed as soon as i start playing it, but more often i just can't stop listening it and then i have it on repeat for 4 or 5 times straight. especially purr is a song where i get stuck a lot, having it in a loop for hours straight, even though the high pitches sometimes really hurt my ears. it doesn't matter, this song is worth every ear pain
01 God Is An Astronaut – All Is Violent, All Is Bright 565
probably the album i like the very best out of this list, and one of my overall favourites too. it's just so...pure. so overwhelmingly emotional that i sometimes find it hard to grasp just in how many ways this record manages to reach out to me, to touch my mind and my heart, the very fabric of who i am, over and over again every single time i listen to it. it's not an easy record, and it's definetly not a record to be run alongside while you do something else. you have to focus on it, try to understand what it wants to tell you, both individually with each song an on the whole, to truly appreciate the incredible marvel that god is an astronaut has created here
so, all in all it has been somewhat of a slow year for music, overall. at least as far as last.fm is concerned. this is mainly due to two reasons:
first, i mostly listen to music in my car now, and on jewtube (because i discovered some great songs but don't really bother to buy them just yet...)
and second, i became more involved at my serious business internet spaceship game. i volunteered to become a recruiter for my corporation, which is a very time-consuming occupation, but i really enjoy it. i get to know some really nice (and some not so nice) people and i can further my corporation by getting new awesome members (so just for the germanfags right now: wenn ihr schon ne weile spielt, aber keinen bock mehr auf empire oder lowsec habt, quatscht mich einfach ingame an. mein char heißt Mara Garrdin, in der corporation True Argons. alternativ könnt ihr uns auch in unserem public-channel truea nightclub vorbeischauen. dort ist eigentlich fast immer jemand mit dem ihr mal plaudern könnt, und in der MOTD gibts auch einige infos).
also, maybe the updates on this
so far
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